Welcome to Fund for the Arts’ website. We are a service organization providing financial and operational support to 12 member arts organizations through our Festivals, fundraising campaign and the tireless efforts of our Board members. We believe that artists and arts organizations enhance the beauty and cultural richness of our community, and help drive its economic growth and prosperity.
Founded in 1981 as a result of the joint efforts of the Kanawha Arts Alliance and the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, Fund for the Arts raises funds from business, foundations, and government, as well as individuals, to provide operating expenses for our 11 member arts groups. Our services and funding keep our arts organizations healthy today, but also look to the future, as several of our member organizations, such as Children’s Theater of Charleston, River City Youth Ballet Ensemble and West Virginia Youth Symphony, showcase the artistic talents of our community’s children and young adults.
Fund for the Arts also secures financial support for our local member arts groups through its signature events like Wine & Jazz Music Festival and Capitol Cocktail Classic. These Fund for the Arts events have become a staple of the City of Charleston and the Kanawha Valley and we encourage you to take part!
Please feel free to use the Contact Us button if you have any questions about our organization or need any further information. Also, check us out on Facebook!
And please, don’t forget to include the Fund for the Arts in your will or estate plan. Your legacy can help our community stay creative and strong. Thank you.
Craig Beeson
Fund for the Arts President